Application Development

5 Takeaways from the Gartner IOCS Conference 2022

Infrastructure and operations (I&O) leaders can ready their organizations for an unpredictable future by making them more resilient and adaptable with the right skilled talent, adaptive infrastructure technology platforms, and adaptive operations.

Steve Barrett

Nov 21, 2022


It was an exciting couple of days at the 2022 Gartner IT Infrastructure, Operations & Cloud Strategies Conference (IOCS) in London, U.K., and given the fact it was a sold-out, in-person conference, this portends well for the future of in-person technology events.

What I really like about the Gartner IOCS event is that it is geared to talk directly to infrastructure and operations (I&O) leaders who have a critical role to play in their organization’s digital transformation. Armed with the right research, trends, and insights, I believe these leaders can be empowered to bring value to their customers, innovate more effectively, and develop the tools and strategies needed to succeed in an uncertain, digital-first landscape.

“I&O leaders today play a critical role in transforming, securing, and enhancing their capabilities while ensuring they have the skills and leadership to deliver the needs of the business and customer wherever they are,” said Daniel Betts, Conference Chair and Senior Director Analyst, Gartner.

After attending keynotes and a bunch of sessions, I found some key points and takeaways that really resonated with me. 

Takeaway #1: Adaptive Resilience

The overarching message of the 2022 Gartner IOCS conference is that companies can empower their I&O leaders so they can help their organizations adapt more effectively to an unpredictable and uncertain future. 

Gartner research found that brands that are adaptively resilient are adaptive by nature, have a collaborative mindset, and create cohesive and dynamic teams. 

In short, successful modern companies thoughtfully and strategically leverage talent, platforms, and operations to accelerate their digital transformations and adapt to whatever unpredictable challenges arise. 

Takeaway #2: Attract and Retain Quality Talent

Talent and skills matter a lot. With the predicted shortage of developers just around the corner and the need to react to constant business change, both attracting the right talent and training and retaining quality in-house talent is more critical for I&O leaders than ever before. Gartner advises that I&O leaders need to stay ahead of demand and upgrade skills in-house before it becomes an issue. 

I truly feel that some of the most valuable assets within an organization are I&O leaders and their teams. Companies must work hard to retain talented staff and build a work environment where they can grow and evolve through nurture and support.

It is recommended that I&O leaders assess in-house skills against labor market dynamics, pursue adjacencies in skills and roles, all while working to retain valuable employees by focusing on the employee experience. Just how each brand focuses on the employee and developer experience will differ. From the developer side, programmers need access to the right tools and continuous access to quality data to be empowered to get their jobs done well. From the general employee side, I&O leaders should consider implementing rewards programs, an improved work-life balance, and training for new skills.

Takeaway #3: Adaptive Platforms

I&O leaders need to future-ready their organizations with technology platforms that can adapt to the uncertainty of the future. Gartner sees I&O leaders as conductors that need to set up the right adaptive platforms that can seamlessly connect to the rest of your technology stack through pre-built connectors and APIs.

For example, the Delphix DevOps Data Platform is the only API-first data platform for the multicloud that automates data security, privacy and compliance  while rapidly deploying data to accelerate development and time-to-market. Leveraging the Delphix Platform organizations can not only automate data delivery for fast, quality software releases, but can secure that data by implementing a zero trust architecture, all while meeting customer data compliance requirements.

Takeaway #4: Adaptive Operations

Gartner experts advise that by leveraging a diverse array of infrastructure choices, technology leaders can pair styles of operations that align with the business across three modes of adaptive operations: run (deliver elastically), grow (sense and respond), and transform (co-create the future). With this type of orchestrated use of multiple technologies, tools, and platforms, supported by AI/ML algorithms, I&O leaders can hyper-automate their organizations to have greater productivity, agility, and scalability.

I&O leaders need to adapt a customer-centric model to align with marketing and the business over customer needs and expectations. They should look to secure the funding they need from the business to support a more adaptive operational structure.

Takeaway #5: Integrate I&O Seamlessly

The future of business promises to be one thing - unpredictable. With challenging economic headwinds, unpredictable global events, and talent shortages, businesses that can modernize and integrate their infrastructure and operations strategically will be able to move quickly and exploit new opportunities ahead of their competitors.

For I&O to be a business and innovation enabler, it needs to be transformed into an adaptive and resilient group that can empower your business to operate and serve your customers anywhere. I&O leaders can future-ready their organizations by learning how to leverage intelligent data automation using platforms like Delphix, embrace adaptive platform engineering, deploy multicloud operations, and integrate I&O seamlessly throughout their organizational fabric.

Looking Forward

I&O leaders can enable their organizations to be ready for an unpredictable future by making their companies more resilient and adaptable with the right skilled talent, adaptive infrastructure technology platforms, and adaptive operations.

By deploying adaptive technology solutions like the Delphix DevOps Data Platform, I&O leaders can take the lead on enabling their organizations to leverage data for business value and innovation. 

By utilizing advanced data privacy and security features like data masking, the DevOps platform enables faster software releases by allowing developers to use production-quality code in a test environment.  With data masking, data itself is anonymized and protected in any environment so brands can more effectively stay in compliance with emerging data privacy and security regulations.