
Enterprise Level Deployment of Delphix - Implementation and Rollout Plan

The project plan build for a Delphix implementation will depend on the type of project management your company subscribes to.

Jeannine Crownover

Mar 24, 2017

Hi Again!  In today's post I discuss defining the implementation and rollout plan. This is the project plan to which that most of you are familiar. The previous installments have discussed getting us to this point. The goals and objectives, masking, impact analysis, transition planning etc. Now it is time to put it all together in a project. If you are new to Delphix technology, please go to or just search for Delphix online. Also I do plan on a webinar to help explain these blogs, as I know reading can be tedious. I will let you know when those happen.

To catch up, please see my previous blog for the Enterprise level Deployment of Delphix. Or message me on Linked in at DeploywithDelphix if you have any questions or would like deep dive understanding of my deployment processes.

You have Delphix Now What | Delphix Goals and Objectives | The Solution Design - Part1 | The Solution Design Part 2 | The Solution Design - The Transition Process

The Solution Design - Add Masking | The High Level Time Line | The Requirements Analysis | Impact Analysis | The Budget Analysis | Transition Planning  | The Conversion Plan

Building the Implementation and Rollout Plan (Project Plan)

The project plan build for a Delphix implementation will depend on the type of project management your company subscribes to. In my career I think I have followed some or the entire standard tracking methods as seen in the chart below. I think I favor a waterfall approach but it does not cover all areas I have discussed in this blog series such as impact analysis, transition planning, etc. Maybe I should create my own listing of project management. I never went to get a project manager certification, as I never held the work title of Project Manager, though I have lead many projects as a technical lead or work stream leader.  I ran a search on the current Project Management practices and have them listed here with key differentiators. Again choose the method your company subscribes to and learn as much as possible about the jargon, deliverables, processes and expectations for that program.

The Delphix On Premise Deployment Process

Delphix has its own deployment team, and I would be remiss if I did not share the process that team uses when they rollout out this product to a new customer. They do a fantastic job communicating this process to their customers which is a process very well received and executed. Take a look at the key delivery points and see how you can modify or cut and paste this process into your own delivery methods. For concepts listed here that are vague, I am sure they have been discussed in detail in my previous blogs.

Remember deploying an enterprise platform does not change fundamentally over the years; the message changes slightly to address the changes in current technology buzzwords and current technology messaging in order to speak the language of the next generation of implementers and to onboard them as quickly as possible so us oldies can retire.

Two things to keep in mind here. One: within each of these steps are detail tasks and work stream efforts.  At the end of my blog series there will be a detail project plan available for download with subtasks included. Two: under configure heading, I included an asterisk to show when the company can start recouping the ROI that was promised in the presales discussion.

Reporting on Task progress for Each Phase Rollout Phase

I like to build a progress chart for weekly reporting of my entire project and this deployment is no exception. It is king of fun to watch the chart overtime close from 50% complete to 75% complete to 100% complete.  Successfully closing a project or any work task is both satisfying to your own accomplishment goals and provides a progress chart for your managers and subordinates as well.

Below is a sample chart that takes the tasks of the rollout and adds a completion statistic.  Plus allows you to check on the problem areas that show the tasks are falling behind the projected timeframe. Excel chart and project planners provide easy chart conversion for this. Pick the tool you are most comfortable using.

Prior to joining Delphix I would be juggling up to 5 projects at various stages and my weekly report to my boss Troy Collison  were these simple charts and invariably he would ask "Why are we behind on step 2.0 for project Y? Is there something I can help you with to move this along?" And of course for a project on schedule or 100% complete there was the completement of a "job well done".

Next Installment Post - Creating the requirements traceability document

Here is a summary of where we are today. I will try and get the next installment out to you by the end of March. Message me on Linked in at DeploywithDelphix if you have any questions or would like deep dive understanding of my deployment processes.